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i've been realizing lately how much God loves each and every one of us and how i want my every decision to be glorifying His name. I am beginning to make my choices on my own and making myself happy. I had to stop trying to make Ashly or Ashley or Melissa happy, I started making my choices based on how I want to live my life. It is bittersweet to think about August & all the BIG changes that come with it. not just August but this summer of 2015, my sister leaves in July for Germany and won't be back until June 2016, then in August on the 15th I move into my dorm at WSU. This summer & in March we have many trips planned to WA. I'm excited to be showing my mom where I will be spending the majority of the next four years! I can't wait to explore with her during our layover in Seattle.

I feel as if everything came together so quickly, like I was at WSU touring and then I blinked and got my acceptance letter; then blinked again and today applied for housing, also bought our flight tickets for march. every bone in my body is telling me and warning me for the possible pain that I will have when i start to miss home. All I can do is see a therapist at school, continue my meds, stay positive, & ask for help when I need it. Life is funny, it'll give you blessings in forms you never thought imaginable. I know that WSU is a blessing in disguise, one day I'll understand why I'm drawn to it.


 valentines day has come & gone. lately i've been reading on lots of blogs about valentines day and the meaning behind it. i've decided that this year, next year and the ones that follow will be all about love. not the relationship with a guy i don't have. i'll focus solely on the people i have around me that i love and how i can show them my gratitude & love for them. appreciate those around you that have been there through the tough times, since day 1 of your fight, forever in your heart. reach out to your old friends that you grew apart from, tell them how much you love them still & care for their heart a lot. tell them how you wouldn't have gotten through without them in your life for that time.
you truly DO NOT need a guy or girl to be in love. you can be in love with friends or family on fab. 14th. you can be in love with your pet or anything really. just spend the day loving yourself, friends, & anyone you just enjoy spending time with. it's your day to unconditionally love everyone & anyone you'd like.

embrace the love.