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Turning coffee into Education

This is kinda all over the place and two totally different subjects however, they are things that are dear to my heart and really been in my life lately. I have always been a fan of Starbucks but being in college and early morning (weekend) sorority activities make you LOVE starbucks, or just coffee in general! I love early mornings, I am beginning to get better at enjoying them and being peppy! I like that I can enjoy anytime of the day and Starbucks just makes it an even better time, am I right?!

The next favorite thing that I have been connecting with a lot lately is special education. Over my spring break I had the opportunity to shadow a special education teacher at the elementary school that my mother works at. I had an incredible two days with these children. They brightened my day with their sweet personalities, beautiful faces, and they always had something funny to share. I think that going through my current Special ed class at WSU, has just confirmed that this is the field I need to be working in. I want to be involved in these students lives and encourage them to achieve their dreams. They have so much potential and so many schools, teachers, and just people write them off immediately because of their disability. This gives them nothing but pain and judgement. How would you feel if you were judged on something that you cannot change? I believe that life is filled with many blessings and creations that we have yet to discover. I have this incredible feeling that I will love working with these children and finding out what makes them happy or sad or what makes them laugh. If you have ever encountered any special needs child or adult, we all do it, you judge them or question "what is wrong with them?" when in reality we should not do that. To be honest, I did that when I was younger, before I decided this is what i wanted to do for a living I wondered what was wrong with them. We all have that moment of clarity when we realize that they are just people living their lives and we should not be judging them. We have no right to sit there and judge this illness that they were born with and have no control over. 
Now I see this one guy giving prospective students tours, he is a special needs student, and I am usually brought to tears. I am so happy and incredibly blessed to be going to a college that gives these students opportunities and jobs that interact with others. This really is a huge part of their lives and we need to embrace them and let them know that they are loved. Whenever I see any special needs child/adult, I instantly what to know them. I want to know who they are as a person behind the special needs. I want to hug them and tell them if it is hard right now, it'll get better. I cannot wait to go back home for the summer and help out in the other special needs class! I am so excited to be given this opportunity and have these resources.

love yourself. you can be the difference between someone's day being good or bad. love others.